okay, well today was really, really, really cold and i couldn't stand it. anyway, school was alright... first period was alright. worked on our movie and me and rina volunteered to take down the bin for the family, well person that we were gonna give our food items to just so we could get out of class. well, we ended up in the caf and didn't even realize that we stayed there for so long and our teacher started showing up. the first time he showed up, me and rina turned our backs and faced the stage so he wouldn't spot us... coz you know.. he's blind. aha so it's all good.. but it made us nervous because he entered the caf and we were like 2 tables away from him? i dont even know. but i guess he was really blind. so we went back to class kinda scared and afterwards we tried being slick trying to get in the door but the door was so gay... it was squeaking so obviously we couldn't get away with it.. aha but yeah, he asked where we were "pretending" to not know where we were and all of a sudden rina said, "we were in the washroom". ahah yo, he didn't even ask how long.. anyway. that was kinda long.. loll. 2nd period, i had marketing and we went around for the christmas baskets.. and just chilled afterwards. 3rd was chem and i wanted to get a picture with SANTA but i was too late.. he was gone.. and 4th i had biology and it was okay.
chilled with eggnogs afterschool :)
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
random tings
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, its because I want to know more about you. Or do I? I don't know? Are you interesting? Would I want to know you better?
1. i read forever in 1 and a half days
2. i want to go to japan
3. i like origami
4. i want to meet hillsong united
5. i want a cat; a big and furry one
6. i loved watching 8 simple rules. family stopped showing them :(
7. i want to get lost in europe--specifically rome
8. playing with my hair is a habit... a bad one
9. i'm loaftingt on my G1
10. i don't really like books, but if i have i'll read it. except for the GOOD books i've read before. if gen tells me it's good then i'll read it. aha
11. i always wanted a mustang or a nissan 360z
12. i don't make sense sometimes
13. i love laughing and making people laugh
14. i like watching japanese & korean love movies
15. i know how to make cinammon rolls ;)
16. writing 16 random things about myself was kinda hard. :S
1. genesis - DO IT AGAIN.
2. micah
3. klaudine
4. justine riley
5. danielle
1. i read forever in 1 and a half days
2. i want to go to japan
3. i like origami
4. i want to meet hillsong united
5. i want a cat; a big and furry one
6. i loved watching 8 simple rules. family stopped showing them :(
7. i want to get lost in europe--specifically rome
8. playing with my hair is a habit... a bad one
9. i'm loaftingt on my G1
10. i don't really like books, but if i have i'll read it. except for the GOOD books i've read before. if gen tells me it's good then i'll read it. aha
11. i always wanted a mustang or a nissan 360z
12. i don't make sense sometimes
13. i love laughing and making people laugh
14. i like watching japanese & korean love movies
15. i know how to make cinammon rolls ;)
16. writing 16 random things about myself was kinda hard. :S
1. genesis - DO IT AGAIN.
2. micah
3. klaudine
4. justine riley
5. danielle
Friday, December 5, 2008
searching the world
oh my gosh! so i'm 2 days late.. i was supposed to post this on december 4th!
happy birthday angelique!
i'll never forget when you came in drunk..
love you girl ;)
worked today, it was pretty good. school sucked (N) but for some reason it seemed pretty packed. i don't know why but yeah.. actually after 3rd period the school seemed empty since people were going to semi... lol yeah.
i'm off to sleep.
oh my gosh! so i'm 2 days late.. i was supposed to post this on december 4th!
happy birthday angelique!
i'll never forget when you came in drunk..
love you girl ;)
worked today, it was pretty good. school sucked (N) but for some reason it seemed pretty packed. i don't know why but yeah.. actually after 3rd period the school seemed empty since people were going to semi... lol yeah.
i'm off to sleep.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
we don't need a reason to get mad
today, was alright. school passed by so fast and i finally paid my bill. ahah, loaft. anyway, tomorrow is gonna liturgy schedule. exxciting? no, not really. longer period for media arts though, so it's all good. we get to watch movies again. yes i'll edit this later.
i gotta do something.
i gotta do something.
Monday, December 1, 2008
i believe
okay, so it's the first day of december and we have 23 days left before christmas :) yay, exciting. i need money.. shoot. well anyway, today was an okay day and my weekend was aRight.. on saturday we cleaned and took out all of the junk that was not needed and unnecessary for church.. so the church looks more spacey. aha, yes and sunday was pretty good.. we decided to go to the datiles' house which was really unexpected and we weren't even supposed to go (us-- the kids) but we end up going anyways... it was nice seeing them though.. but yeah, afterwards we went to our tita bel's place.. because it was tito jeff's birthday. and it was alright. we got to socialize with people and it was pretty jokes. i miss our youth though, like, our whole youth. like, summer days. but yeah, although we weren't complete, we had fun.
to do:
- i still need to make payments for my phone.... shoot!
- decorations
- save up $
- G1!
we can make it, we'll go through it.
to do:
- i still need to make payments for my phone.... shoot!
- decorations
- save up $
- G1!
we can make it, we'll go through it.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
okay, so twilight was honestly a good movie. i don't know how people think it wasn't good but it was actually suuuper sick. even if i still didn't finish reading the book, i mean chapter one in other words, i still think the movie was soo good. i want to finish reading it... since it's more detailed ;). ya know? but yes, as soon as it was out i wanted to see the movie so me and gen decided to go see it today, since we weren't able to see it last week because i had work and she had to go down barrie and plus it was already sold out. yeah, i went with her and her siblings :). aha it's pg so it's all good. aha. we also sat on a good spot.. like, perfectly fit to your face.. like it was right there boxed and perfect... aha the screen obviously.
anyway, i just realized how many directors and producers are starting to make movies from books and old movies. its all good.. it gives lazy reader's a taste on what their missing ;) REPRESENT! anyway, im gay.. the movie was really amazing. and i think edward cullen is pretty sexy. i mean the movie just makes you fall in love with him. and they're really cute.
i promise to read and finish the book... all of them.
plus the books that gen gave me to read -.-
i was almost done coldest winter gen! give it baaaaack!
i started that one last year.. i think, yeah, last year. shutup!
okay, so twilight was honestly a good movie. i don't know how people think it wasn't good but it was actually suuuper sick. even if i still didn't finish reading the book, i mean chapter one in other words, i still think the movie was soo good. i want to finish reading it... since it's more detailed ;). ya know? but yes, as soon as it was out i wanted to see the movie so me and gen decided to go see it today, since we weren't able to see it last week because i had work and she had to go down barrie and plus it was already sold out. yeah, i went with her and her siblings :). aha it's pg so it's all good. aha. we also sat on a good spot.. like, perfectly fit to your face.. like it was right there boxed and perfect... aha the screen obviously.
anyway, i just realized how many directors and producers are starting to make movies from books and old movies. its all good.. it gives lazy reader's a taste on what their missing ;) REPRESENT! anyway, im gay.. the movie was really amazing. and i think edward cullen is pretty sexy. i mean the movie just makes you fall in love with him. and they're really cute.
i promise to read and finish the book... all of them.
plus the books that gen gave me to read -.-
i was almost done coldest winter gen! give it baaaaack!
i started that one last year.. i think, yeah, last year. shutup!

Thursday, November 20, 2008
kungfu panda!
so, today is the official day that the snow can be finally seen on the ground.
agh, its getting too cold. BRB on this.
i want the dvds! shoot, i need it... if you haven't seen this movie
go see it. NOW. it's so jokes... well for me :)
go on... keep watching :D
agh, its getting too cold. BRB on this.
i want the dvds! shoot, i need it... if you haven't seen this movie
go see it. NOW. it's so jokes... well for me :)
go on... keep watching :D
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
can i get get get to know no-no-know you bettah bettah baby
okay, so today was a pretty good day. my brother woke me up pretty early, like around 6:30ish. i usually wake up at like 7 but lately i've been waking up early so it's all good :). had my regular classes nothing really exciting happened but today was our last day to finish up dissecting the little piglets... we named ours norman pigsley. aha cute? anyway, it was pretty gross but at the same time quite interesting. it had some funky smell that made me wanna throw up but its all good.. after school i chilled with k and that's about it :)
saturday, 15th
band practise at like noon and we went to art gallery (AGO). unfortunately, the line was way too long and it was too late because we got there at around 4 and the gallery was gonna close at 5:30 so we decided to leave. we ended up at imperial buffet because we were all too hungry... i felt bad for my cousin because he had to pay everything! shoots! anyway, it was pretty jokes.
sunday, 16th
went to church and left at around 3... went places and got home at like 6ish and then ended up being at cousin's house since there was dinner there. got home at around 10ish.
okay, so today was a pretty good day. my brother woke me up pretty early, like around 6:30ish. i usually wake up at like 7 but lately i've been waking up early so it's all good :). had my regular classes nothing really exciting happened but today was our last day to finish up dissecting the little piglets... we named ours norman pigsley. aha cute? anyway, it was pretty gross but at the same time quite interesting. it had some funky smell that made me wanna throw up but its all good.. after school i chilled with k and that's about it :)
saturday, 15th
band practise at like noon and we went to art gallery (AGO). unfortunately, the line was way too long and it was too late because we got there at around 4 and the gallery was gonna close at 5:30 so we decided to leave. we ended up at imperial buffet because we were all too hungry... i felt bad for my cousin because he had to pay everything! shoots! anyway, it was pretty jokes.
sunday, 16th
went to church and left at around 3... went places and got home at like 6ish and then ended up being at cousin's house since there was dinner there. got home at around 10ish.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
shock me like an electric eel
wow, so it's been atleast a month and a half since i haven't been on this thing. and i can't update you guys on everything because a lot of things had happened but today was a pretty bummy day. got to school at around 7:50ish and i started loafting around to kill time. We got our report cards... i need to get more focused! that's it for school nothing really big... but for bio, we're gonna start disecting pigs on monday! aha how exciting! anyway, poor things... we're disecting baby pigs! anyway, we got a whole long weekend since it's our p.a. day tomorrow :)
i can't wait for christmas...
but these are my goals before the year ends:
- g1
- save up$$ (for presents ;))
- stop working for a while and focus on studies
- clean/organize room
lessons learned:
well, today in bio we were learning about drugs and humans and she told us that one beer is equivalent to one bowl wine glass, and one bowl wine glass is also equivalent to one shoot of liquor. they all have the same calories in them. she also said that binge drinking is bad. binge drinking is when you drink 4-6 times every other month. it may seem like it's okay but it can actually cause death. it is because our bodies... our under aged bodies aren't fully developed yet and we can not sustain the amount of alcohols we drink. that we is why they made the legal age of drinking here in canada 19, but in states it's 21. alcohols also carry sugar... sugar that doesn't make you high but actually makes you fatter. these are calories that are hard to burn, and if you don't burn them it will keep increasing and you will eventually get a beer belly. men get it in their belly's but women get it in their belly, thighs, and butttttox.
well yeah, i just learned that... i knew about the calories part but the rest i didn't :)
bio could be both interesting and complicated!
18th - my boyfriend's birthday :)
27th - chilled with k and gen !
28th - went to sherway with gen!
29th - civies day!
30th - class retreat!
31st - halloween! dress-down day at school!
wow, so it's been atleast a month and a half since i haven't been on this thing. and i can't update you guys on everything because a lot of things had happened but today was a pretty bummy day. got to school at around 7:50ish and i started loafting around to kill time. We got our report cards... i need to get more focused! that's it for school nothing really big... but for bio, we're gonna start disecting pigs on monday! aha how exciting! anyway, poor things... we're disecting baby pigs! anyway, we got a whole long weekend since it's our p.a. day tomorrow :)
i can't wait for christmas...
but these are my goals before the year ends:
- g1
- save up$$ (for presents ;))
- stop working for a while and focus on studies
- clean/organize room
lessons learned:
well, today in bio we were learning about drugs and humans and she told us that one beer is equivalent to one bowl wine glass, and one bowl wine glass is also equivalent to one shoot of liquor. they all have the same calories in them. she also said that binge drinking is bad. binge drinking is when you drink 4-6 times every other month. it may seem like it's okay but it can actually cause death. it is because our bodies... our under aged bodies aren't fully developed yet and we can not sustain the amount of alcohols we drink. that we is why they made the legal age of drinking here in canada 19, but in states it's 21. alcohols also carry sugar... sugar that doesn't make you high but actually makes you fatter. these are calories that are hard to burn, and if you don't burn them it will keep increasing and you will eventually get a beer belly. men get it in their belly's but women get it in their belly, thighs, and butttttox.
well yeah, i just learned that... i knew about the calories part but the rest i didn't :)
bio could be both interesting and complicated!
18th - my boyfriend's birthday :)
27th - chilled with k and gen !
28th - went to sherway with gen!
29th - civies day!
30th - class retreat!
31st - halloween! dress-down day at school!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
dancing in september
hmpf. it's only right if i do it now...
since it's the 18th day... and plus it's your 18th year.
i know it's kinda late... so just bare with me =)
hey babygirl,
your finally 18. yeah i know, where's your car? prsh where's you gee-one huh? aha kidding. don't worry... we'll get it seeeyuntaaaymes. anyway, i just want to say that you've been sucha super great, wonderful, awesome, good, perfect person to me. well not perfect ahah but you know? yes... you have... tracing back to our past memories.. the good, the dull, the live, the laughter moments. you know we've been through it all. and i just hope that you won't evah... ever change. stay you. you're like my reflection.. except im uglier and fatter. HAHH! you know when im mad and i can never hide anything from you. you know my gay moments.. aha, oh man. you know me from the inside out... like, all of our inside jokes and everything. honestly... i really miss you. just having you around school and stuff. it really feels a lot different. i guess it's because i've been seeing you almost everyday for like the past two years. and that's when we've really become closer than ever. i know we dont have those typical friendships where we've known each other for such a really long time but even if we dont have that... it really feels like i have known you for quite a while now. aha when did we actually meet? like when i was in grade 6? but we weren't really close.. we would just smile at each other... aha you know? but yeah it's like the typical filipino way how we met... ahah if you see like a filipino parent in a public school you know you gotta meet them... ahah.. but yeah... i think you're dad probably invited my dad but i think we didn't follow up... until tito elmer.. aha and then that's when we saw you guys there again.. loll so unexpected. but yeah. after that time... we've become closer, and closer. we'd talk about our issues and stuff that goes around us. the first time i saw you cry, i honestly did not know what to say... but i tried my best to cheer you up. and honestly... in times like that... i never know what to say to a person. i honestly dont. but hey, i hope i did cheer you up :). that's all i gotta say for now... coz you know. im saving more for later.. ahaha :) you know!
part 2'll come up real soon! you know, more action & detail... ahah!
love you gen, always.
since it's the 18th day... and plus it's your 18th year.
i know it's kinda late... so just bare with me =)
hey babygirl,
your finally 18. yeah i know, where's your car? prsh where's you gee-one huh? aha kidding. don't worry... we'll get it seeeyuntaaaymes. anyway, i just want to say that you've been sucha super great, wonderful, awesome, good, perfect person to me. well not perfect ahah but you know? yes... you have... tracing back to our past memories.. the good, the dull, the live, the laughter moments. you know we've been through it all. and i just hope that you won't evah... ever change. stay you. you're like my reflection.. except im uglier and fatter. HAHH! you know when im mad and i can never hide anything from you. you know my gay moments.. aha, oh man. you know me from the inside out... like, all of our inside jokes and everything. honestly... i really miss you. just having you around school and stuff. it really feels a lot different. i guess it's because i've been seeing you almost everyday for like the past two years. and that's when we've really become closer than ever. i know we dont have those typical friendships where we've known each other for such a really long time but even if we dont have that... it really feels like i have known you for quite a while now. aha when did we actually meet? like when i was in grade 6? but we weren't really close.. we would just smile at each other... aha you know? but yeah it's like the typical filipino way how we met... ahah if you see like a filipino parent in a public school you know you gotta meet them... ahah.. but yeah... i think you're dad probably invited my dad but i think we didn't follow up... until tito elmer.. aha and then that's when we saw you guys there again.. loll so unexpected. but yeah. after that time... we've become closer, and closer. we'd talk about our issues and stuff that goes around us. the first time i saw you cry, i honestly did not know what to say... but i tried my best to cheer you up. and honestly... in times like that... i never know what to say to a person. i honestly dont. but hey, i hope i did cheer you up :). that's all i gotta say for now... coz you know. im saving more for later.. ahaha :) you know!
part 2'll come up real soon! you know, more action & detail... ahah!
love you gen, always.
you'll come
you're finally 16! yay!
anyway, wow, i have not been on this for quite a while now. this is my first september post... ya'll need to catch up :)
SO. what happend so far? well.... school started, gen's birthday just passed... which by the way
ahaha, yes. and HOLL' UP.... i did not update you on the Hillsong United Conference... well.. it was really really A M A Z I N G.
we had to wake up real early to get to MTCC. but we got there at around 12 so it was pretty good... and plus we were like infront
of the line, so it was intense.... you know? so, we waited till like 7pm because that's when the conference starts. So at the mean
time, we were just roaming around, we went to get food, or we would just start playing cards :) i wanna feel like i'm there again. oh my gash. super GOOD. gen, herald, jr, and i got to meet J.D... also known as Jonathan Douglas. shoot, we wanted a picture with Brooke but you know we couldn't :(. oh man, Joel passed by me and gen... and we didn't have the camera.. oh man whatta HUGE loss... honestly. but hey,
there's a next time! hopefully! so, the first day was really hectic. wow.. like people ran for their
seats and it was so jokes because some man told me to slow down and to walk and i slowed down but i started running again.. oh
man... i wanted to laugh because some old white lady was running beside me.. awwh.. but yeah you know.. just imagine that your
running and some next white lady is running with you ahah but yeah, i ran faster ;) so you know. well yeah, we got good seats.. like
5th row.. oh man... super close! so that night was just rally and preachings.. but it still ended good! anyway, after the conference
the girls slept at ate ro's and the boy's just went their separate ways. so yeah, we had to wake up super early... like 5? because we needed
to be there at around 9am and plus we wanted to be like first in line again :) but yeah, the day went pretty well.. so yeah, we got in again
but we were pretty far compared to the chairs we had last time :( but it was all good.. i can't re-call on what happened but there were
preachings and rally again.. and breaks.. and afterwards there was a question and answer for the hillsong united but, while this was going
on, there were also other events that were happening. like, you can choose which one to go too :) but yeah, we got a picture with
Annie.. it was good i spotted them.. like everyone would just walk pass them and i noticed them... i even said hi to them.. oh wow.
anyway, i really felt bad for venrick.. he wanted a picture with them. awwh, sucks... but no worries next time. . and afterwards we went to the one
with Brooke and Joel.. they were talking about song writing.. it was pretty cool, aha it was cute. anyway, after that it was break... and oh
man.. we tried to get a picture with them but we couldn't :( the body guards were being so gay so we didn't get a picture with them... but
yes.. i'll be looking forward next time! aaagh! anyvay... i think at this time we went out to get food.. im not sure but yeah.. the line
started getting bigger for the concert.. which was like at 6! and oh my it was super long... it's good that our tita's already lined up early.. and
it was like close to the starting so it was all good.. i felt bad for all the people at the back.. coz honestly.. the line was SUPER LONG.
but hey, it was worth it. anyway, we got in and we like speed walked to the seats we wanted.. and we dashed to the front.. to where the
mosh pit was... like.. it was so dry.. we saved our seats but the problem was you weren't allowed to do that.. your supposed to stay to where
your seat was or you would stay in the front to where the mosh pit was.. so we all just decided to stay in the front :) yeeeaaah!
OH MY SUPER LIVE... honestly. i'm never forgetting this day.
they have truly blessed and inspire me.
oh yeah, SCHOOL SUCKS.
i've been sick for like these past 3 days.
and i wasn't able to go... so i missed alot. well not that much
but oh my chemistry... aaagh!
you're finally 16! yay!
anyway, wow, i have not been on this for quite a while now. this is my first september post... ya'll need to catch up :)
SO. what happend so far? well.... school started, gen's birthday just passed... which by the way
ahaha, yes. and HOLL' UP.... i did not update you on the Hillsong United Conference... well.. it was really really A M A Z I N G.
we had to wake up real early to get to MTCC. but we got there at around 12 so it was pretty good... and plus we were like infront
of the line, so it was intense.... you know? so, we waited till like 7pm because that's when the conference starts. So at the mean
time, we were just roaming around, we went to get food, or we would just start playing cards :) i wanna feel like i'm there again. oh my gash. super GOOD. gen, herald, jr, and i got to meet J.D... also known as Jonathan Douglas. shoot, we wanted a picture with Brooke but you know we couldn't :(. oh man, Joel passed by me and gen... and we didn't have the camera.. oh man whatta HUGE loss... honestly. but hey,
there's a next time! hopefully! so, the first day was really hectic. wow.. like people ran for their
seats and it was so jokes because some man told me to slow down and to walk and i slowed down but i started running again.. oh
man... i wanted to laugh because some old white lady was running beside me.. awwh.. but yeah you know.. just imagine that your
running and some next white lady is running with you ahah but yeah, i ran faster ;) so you know. well yeah, we got good seats.. like
5th row.. oh man... super close! so that night was just rally and preachings.. but it still ended good! anyway, after the conference
the girls slept at ate ro's and the boy's just went their separate ways. so yeah, we had to wake up super early... like 5? because we needed
to be there at around 9am and plus we wanted to be like first in line again :) but yeah, the day went pretty well.. so yeah, we got in again
but we were pretty far compared to the chairs we had last time :( but it was all good.. i can't re-call on what happened but there were
preachings and rally again.. and breaks.. and afterwards there was a question and answer for the hillsong united but, while this was going
on, there were also other events that were happening. like, you can choose which one to go too :) but yeah, we got a picture with
Annie.. it was good i spotted them.. like everyone would just walk pass them and i noticed them... i even said hi to them.. oh wow.
anyway, i really felt bad for venrick.. he wanted a picture with them. awwh, sucks... but no worries next time. . and afterwards we went to the one
with Brooke and Joel.. they were talking about song writing.. it was pretty cool, aha it was cute. anyway, after that it was break... and oh
man.. we tried to get a picture with them but we couldn't :( the body guards were being so gay so we didn't get a picture with them... but
yes.. i'll be looking forward next time! aaagh! anyvay... i think at this time we went out to get food.. im not sure but yeah.. the line
started getting bigger for the concert.. which was like at 6! and oh my it was super long... it's good that our tita's already lined up early.. and
it was like close to the starting so it was all good.. i felt bad for all the people at the back.. coz honestly.. the line was SUPER LONG.
but hey, it was worth it. anyway, we got in and we like speed walked to the seats we wanted.. and we dashed to the front.. to where the
mosh pit was... like.. it was so dry.. we saved our seats but the problem was you weren't allowed to do that.. your supposed to stay to where
your seat was or you would stay in the front to where the mosh pit was.. so we all just decided to stay in the front :) yeeeaaah!
OH MY SUPER LIVE... honestly. i'm never forgetting this day.
they have truly blessed and inspire me.
oh yeah, SCHOOL SUCKS.
i've been sick for like these past 3 days.
and i wasn't able to go... so i missed alot. well not that much
but oh my chemistry... aaagh!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
miss independent
updates -
last friday i went to the volleyball thing and it was fun we ended up eating at congee time since everyone was
hungry... but not everyone came.. just us, emerson, lito, tita bel, her family, and the kids, and tita shellah.
on saturday after practise we went to filipino united pentecostal church and afterwards we went home.
on sunday, was a normal sunday, but afterwards we went to tcwc and we decided to attend this israel rejoicing event
it was pretty sick, and we had fun... taking pictures.. ahaha! anyway, we played volleyball afterwards and i slept over
gens :)
monday - gen and i cooked breakfast and we got ready and went to the land.. we just walked around and took pictures
and afterwards we ate mcdonalds and we went straight to her house... we watched you got me :) then her mom came
home and tito elmer and tita luz were there as well so they brought me to their house since my brother's were still there.
the boys just played poker and i stayed on the computer :)
upcoming events -
friday, august 29 - United Hillsongs Conference (7:00pm - 10:00pm)
saturday, august 30 - Jojo's Birthday & Hillsong Conference and Concert!
thursday, september 4 - Gen's Birthday! "i didn't forget you gay!"
friday, september 5&6 - Camping!
updates -
last friday i went to the volleyball thing and it was fun we ended up eating at congee time since everyone was
hungry... but not everyone came.. just us, emerson, lito, tita bel, her family, and the kids, and tita shellah.
on saturday after practise we went to filipino united pentecostal church and afterwards we went home.
on sunday, was a normal sunday, but afterwards we went to tcwc and we decided to attend this israel rejoicing event
it was pretty sick, and we had fun... taking pictures.. ahaha! anyway, we played volleyball afterwards and i slept over
gens :)
monday - gen and i cooked breakfast and we got ready and went to the land.. we just walked around and took pictures
and afterwards we ate mcdonalds and we went straight to her house... we watched you got me :) then her mom came
home and tito elmer and tita luz were there as well so they brought me to their house since my brother's were still there.
the boys just played poker and i stayed on the computer :)
upcoming events -
friday, august 29 - United Hillsongs Conference (7:00pm - 10:00pm)
saturday, august 30 - Jojo's Birthday & Hillsong Conference and Concert!
thursday, september 4 - Gen's Birthday! "i didn't forget you gay!"
friday, september 5&6 - Camping!
Monday, August 18, 2008
the sun don't shine forever
the past 2 weeks with my family from UK had been
really awesome! i enjoyed every bit of it. i will truly
miss all of them (mommy josie, uncle jimmy, ateh vangie,
and jj). i'm excited for our family reunion which will happen
2 years from now in 2010... my cousin tristan is planing to
get married there so it'll be fun!
anyway, so the week started off when they arrived on sunday @ 5 and we ate dinner @ siruno's.
monday, august 4th- we went to erin dale park first and when it was getting darker, we went downtown to see the CN Tower. it was my first time so i was really amazed. it was pretty scary but it was sick!
tuesday, august 5th- they went shopping but i stayed home because i was really tired, but they ate dinner here @ my house.
wednesday, august 6th- we went to Niagra Falls.. and it was really jokes.. we just toured around and took pictures.. and we went to the hill part where you can buy things and we ate at burger king.. then we watched the fire works.. it was so pointless for me and venrick to run all the way to the place where it gives like brochures because we didn't even end up giving it to them for them to use.. so me and venrick just stopped and watched.. and on the way back venrick spotted a pana who had the same colour as the falls and that killed us.. ahaha
thursday, august7th- we went to barrie, muskoka, and orillia.. it was pretty fun.. we played billiards and then we went to more of our relatives' houses and then we got to see more falls and beautiful lakes! one called high falls i think.
friday, august 8th- we went to playdium and we ate at sam woo for mommy josie's birthday celebration :)
saturday, august 9th- we woke up at 5am and left at like 5:30 because we had to be at the meeting place at 6am! we met mr. bruce wong.. our tour guide ahah :) so afterwards we stopped downtown and picked up more people from there and we traveled to kingston then went to ottawa and some more places then for dinner we went to some chinese buffet.. i think it was the biggest buffet restaurant i've ever seen.. then afterwards we arrived at the hotel at like 10pm.
sunday, august10th- we left at 7am and we went to montreal and we went to the biggest church then afterwards we went old quebec city.. it was nice.. mr. bruce let us roam for 2 hours so it was good.. it was pretty good.. and afterwards we just stopped and just took pictures and we ate pizza..
one of the toppings were ham.. it was pretty good! so while waiting we took pictures and watched some show..
and the bus came.. we went to our 2nd hotel and arrived at around 8.. it was jokes because we were all whistling
with our hands.. and we taught JJ and mommy josie and auntie nat :)
monday, august 11th- we woke up at the same time and left at 7:15.. we ended up leaving late because of these guys from our buss.. anyway we went back to kingston and went to 1000 islands.. and we went on like a boat tour.. and afterwards we went back to mississauga .. we arrived to mississauga @ around 6pm.
tuesday, august12th- everyone was tired so we just ate dinner at my house
wednesday, august 13th- we went to wonderland.. and it was really fun! our first ride was the flight deck.. and i can't believe i rode it.. and my mom rode it too.. wow! my second was time warp and others rode the stunt coaster.. but me, my mom, mommy josie, and auntie nat.. it was so jokes.. because auntie nat wanted to cry ahah and the people who were with us were like looking at us weird because we were all laughing.. after we rode canadian mine buster and it was so jokes.. i rode with auntie nat.. and she was like "lovern ang boring nito" and i was like "auntie, look at the steep slope" and then she was like "lobeern, akala ko normal ride lang ito...OOMMMGG LOOOBEEEEERRRRN" ahahaha then yeah, we many more rides.. i like the bat.. :) we rode like 14 rides!
thursday, august14th- i think we ate at my house again
friday august15th- we went to jack darling and then it started to rain so hard so we went home and then we went shopping and then we ate dinner at my house
saturday, august16th- we ate lunch at auntie nats house and i helped ate pack since they were leaving that night.. :( we left at around 8 and they left at around 11 to go for the security check :( then they left :(
sunday, august17th- woke up early and i was really tired.. because we had to practise for church.. but the service was good and went to toronto after :)
today, i woke up at around 1:30 and i talked on the phone
and cleaned the house
the past 2 weeks with my family from UK had been
really awesome! i enjoyed every bit of it. i will truly
miss all of them (mommy josie, uncle jimmy, ateh vangie,
and jj). i'm excited for our family reunion which will happen
2 years from now in 2010... my cousin tristan is planing to
get married there so it'll be fun!
anyway, so the week started off when they arrived on sunday @ 5 and we ate dinner @ siruno's.
monday, august 4th- we went to erin dale park first and when it was getting darker, we went downtown to see the CN Tower. it was my first time so i was really amazed. it was pretty scary but it was sick!
tuesday, august 5th- they went shopping but i stayed home because i was really tired, but they ate dinner here @ my house.
wednesday, august 6th- we went to Niagra Falls.. and it was really jokes.. we just toured around and took pictures.. and we went to the hill part where you can buy things and we ate at burger king.. then we watched the fire works.. it was so pointless for me and venrick to run all the way to the place where it gives like brochures because we didn't even end up giving it to them for them to use.. so me and venrick just stopped and watched.. and on the way back venrick spotted a pana who had the same colour as the falls and that killed us.. ahaha
thursday, august7th- we went to barrie, muskoka, and orillia.. it was pretty fun.. we played billiards and then we went to more of our relatives' houses and then we got to see more falls and beautiful lakes! one called high falls i think.
friday, august 8th- we went to playdium and we ate at sam woo for mommy josie's birthday celebration :)
saturday, august 9th- we woke up at 5am and left at like 5:30 because we had to be at the meeting place at 6am! we met mr. bruce wong.. our tour guide ahah :) so afterwards we stopped downtown and picked up more people from there and we traveled to kingston then went to ottawa and some more places then for dinner we went to some chinese buffet.. i think it was the biggest buffet restaurant i've ever seen.. then afterwards we arrived at the hotel at like 10pm.
sunday, august10th- we left at 7am and we went to montreal and we went to the biggest church then afterwards we went old quebec city.. it was nice.. mr. bruce let us roam for 2 hours so it was good.. it was pretty good.. and afterwards we just stopped and just took pictures and we ate pizza..
one of the toppings were ham.. it was pretty good! so while waiting we took pictures and watched some show..
and the bus came.. we went to our 2nd hotel and arrived at around 8.. it was jokes because we were all whistling
with our hands.. and we taught JJ and mommy josie and auntie nat :)
monday, august 11th- we woke up at the same time and left at 7:15.. we ended up leaving late because of these guys from our buss.. anyway we went back to kingston and went to 1000 islands.. and we went on like a boat tour.. and afterwards we went back to mississauga .. we arrived to mississauga @ around 6pm.
tuesday, august12th- everyone was tired so we just ate dinner at my house
wednesday, august 13th- we went to wonderland.. and it was really fun! our first ride was the flight deck.. and i can't believe i rode it.. and my mom rode it too.. wow! my second was time warp and others rode the stunt coaster.. but me, my mom, mommy josie, and auntie nat.. it was so jokes.. because auntie nat wanted to cry ahah and the people who were with us were like looking at us weird because we were all laughing.. after we rode canadian mine buster and it was so jokes.. i rode with auntie nat.. and she was like "lovern ang boring nito" and i was like "auntie, look at the steep slope" and then she was like "lobeern, akala ko normal ride lang ito...OOMMMGG LOOOBEEEEERRRRN" ahahaha then yeah, we many more rides.. i like the bat.. :) we rode like 14 rides!
thursday, august14th- i think we ate at my house again
friday august15th- we went to jack darling and then it started to rain so hard so we went home and then we went shopping and then we ate dinner at my house
saturday, august16th- we ate lunch at auntie nats house and i helped ate pack since they were leaving that night.. :( we left at around 8 and they left at around 11 to go for the security check :( then they left :(
sunday, august17th- woke up early and i was really tired.. because we had to practise for church.. but the service was good and went to toronto after :)
today, i woke up at around 1:30 and i talked on the phone
and cleaned the house
Thursday, July 31, 2008
simple, starving to be safe
sunday, july 27 - K, and i are official. Me, gen and ate ro slept over tita angie's house. It was humongous, and fun. we went swimming at night, then afterwards i started searching for a board game to play, and we ended up playing scrabble.
monday, july 28 - the next morning we woke up at around 11... well i did and we invited people to come and boyet and tita lanny & lenny came. we ended up swimming the whole day, it was fun.. and hey, i learned how to swim again. gen helped me and gave me confidence.. but not enough confidence to dive.. ahah kidding! but yeah, we invited more people but they weren't able to make it. We watched Heartbreak Kid, Sex and the City, Resident Evil, and Nancy Drew. It was pretty jokes when we were watching Heartbreak Kid.. because every time tita Angie comes it was a sex scene.. but s'all good.. ahahah! anyway, K got mad at me this night, but it's all cool.
tuesday, july 29 - woke up at around 1pm and me and ate ro loafted and watched get over it? i think it was. anyway, we went swimming again! yeah and afterwards we left and met up with K. my heart was beating because i know he would get mad, since he waited. But i guess it was all good, since we were able to see each other. yeah, me and gen bought burger king and ate ro bought pizza for her and boyet. she also bought new york fries... that K ended up eating -_- and i fully bought him a burger.. ahah anyway, its okay. he ate. uhm, after that my dad called.. he didn't want me and gen busing home so he told us to stay at ate ro's place. so we did. K ended up coming along with us... he actually ended up sleeping over. i just wished we were able to meet up with him earlier, so that he wouldn't get introuble. but all's good. hopefully. uhm, we watched this movie by Aga Mulak and Anne Curits.. i forgot what the movie was called but it was pretty cute. After the movie we just chilled :) ......... then my parents came at like 2. We brought Gen home.
wednesday, july 30 - woke up pretty late, and went to piano practice.. then dad dropped me and herald at sirunos... practically loafted there.. K got mad at me again.. but it's all good. we sorted things out.. thanks gen and ate ro for being there.
thursday, july 31 - woke up pretty late again loafted then went to work.. for like 3 hours.. GAY SHIFT! but it was pretty jokes because so much people were working.. and there were people in training which was pretty jokes. jade and some girl name caroline.. but yeah, their cool. just 2 more shifts and their good.
upcoming events:
friday, august 1 - volleyball again with the unknown titas!
sunday, august 3 - family from england are here and we're gonna tour them around so i'll be gone and busy for like 2 weeks!
sunday, july 27 - K, and i are official. Me, gen and ate ro slept over tita angie's house. It was humongous, and fun. we went swimming at night, then afterwards i started searching for a board game to play, and we ended up playing scrabble.
monday, july 28 - the next morning we woke up at around 11... well i did and we invited people to come and boyet and tita lanny & lenny came. we ended up swimming the whole day, it was fun.. and hey, i learned how to swim again. gen helped me and gave me confidence.. but not enough confidence to dive.. ahah kidding! but yeah, we invited more people but they weren't able to make it. We watched Heartbreak Kid, Sex and the City, Resident Evil, and Nancy Drew. It was pretty jokes when we were watching Heartbreak Kid.. because every time tita Angie comes it was a sex scene.. but s'all good.. ahahah! anyway, K got mad at me this night, but it's all cool.
tuesday, july 29 - woke up at around 1pm and me and ate ro loafted and watched get over it? i think it was. anyway, we went swimming again! yeah and afterwards we left and met up with K. my heart was beating because i know he would get mad, since he waited. But i guess it was all good, since we were able to see each other. yeah, me and gen bought burger king and ate ro bought pizza for her and boyet. she also bought new york fries... that K ended up eating -_- and i fully bought him a burger.. ahah anyway, its okay. he ate. uhm, after that my dad called.. he didn't want me and gen busing home so he told us to stay at ate ro's place. so we did. K ended up coming along with us... he actually ended up sleeping over. i just wished we were able to meet up with him earlier, so that he wouldn't get introuble. but all's good. hopefully. uhm, we watched this movie by Aga Mulak and Anne Curits.. i forgot what the movie was called but it was pretty cute. After the movie we just chilled :) ......... then my parents came at like 2. We brought Gen home.
wednesday, july 30 - woke up pretty late, and went to piano practice.. then dad dropped me and herald at sirunos... practically loafted there.. K got mad at me again.. but it's all good. we sorted things out.. thanks gen and ate ro for being there.
thursday, july 31 - woke up pretty late again loafted then went to work.. for like 3 hours.. GAY SHIFT! but it was pretty jokes because so much people were working.. and there were people in training which was pretty jokes. jade and some girl name caroline.. but yeah, their cool. just 2 more shifts and their good.
upcoming events:
friday, august 1 - volleyball again with the unknown titas!
sunday, august 3 - family from england are here and we're gonna tour them around so i'll be gone and busy for like 2 weeks!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
we can get grown
so, today was okay.. i woke up real late. like 2:30ish and i called gen, because my mom said she's been calling from time.. ahah.. so yeah. mm afterwards i talked to joy, since i haven't talked to her for a while now.. i decided to give her a ring. aha.. yeah, work was real slow and tiring yesterday. it rained pretty hard, but the sound of the rain dropping down on the roof sounded nice and soft. i like it like that. ahah.. yeah, my moms picked me up. she brought my brother along with her... so it was all good.
the sun just shined now :) yay.
okay, i'll update ya later.
p.s i still need to upload the picture from my camera!
so, today was okay.. i woke up real late. like 2:30ish and i called gen, because my mom said she's been calling from time.. ahah.. so yeah. mm afterwards i talked to joy, since i haven't talked to her for a while now.. i decided to give her a ring. aha.. yeah, work was real slow and tiring yesterday. it rained pretty hard, but the sound of the rain dropping down on the roof sounded nice and soft. i like it like that. ahah.. yeah, my moms picked me up. she brought my brother along with her... so it was all good.
the sun just shined now :) yay.
okay, i'll update ya later.
p.s i still need to upload the picture from my camera!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
i wanna get to know ya
so, i haven't been here in a while.. i was really lazy, and at times i was busy. well anyway i bought a new camera :).. i spent over 2 bills.. and it works really well. i just need a case and a new memory stick. i only got 1gb but it's all good! anyway.. i didn't really do anything last week.. oh yeah, i chilled with gen, joy, kris, & meeks last wednesday. it was pretty jokes. oh yeah, we went hunting for my new camera! ahah and i had to clean like the whole house that morning.. -_- but it's all good.. it was worth it! thursday? bought my new camera in the morning and just loafted the whole day! friday? ended up watching the DARK KNIGHT! which was pretty awesome. i absolutely love the movie. joker did really well.. RIP Heath Ledger. Saturday was practise.. then Sunday was church :)
Yesterday, i went to work. They called me so i decided to go to work.. since i wasn't really gonna do anything.. and plus it's better to m
ake money.. so ya'know! anyway, im going to work today.. 5-12am. i switched with this girl, she's pretty cool.. she's really odd.. but she makes you laugh.. anyway, i asked her if she was working on friday and she said no.. so i asked if she could take my shift or if we could switch and she she said yeah... plus she didn't have a ride for tomorrow.. so everything worked out :)
upcoming events:
friday, july 25th - church volleyball!
august 4th-16th - my auntie and cousins are coming from england! my family is off for 2 weeks.. gonna travel around!
im kinda excited!

so, i haven't been here in a while.. i was really lazy, and at times i was busy. well anyway i bought a new camera :).. i spent over 2 bills.. and it works really well. i just need a case and a new memory stick. i only got 1gb but it's all good! anyway.. i didn't really do anything last week.. oh yeah, i chilled with gen, joy, kris, & meeks last wednesday. it was pretty jokes. oh yeah, we went hunting for my new camera! ahah and i had to clean like the whole house that morning.. -_- but it's all good.. it was worth it! thursday? bought my new camera in the morning and just loafted the whole day! friday? ended up watching the DARK KNIGHT! which was pretty awesome. i absolutely love the movie. joker did really well.. RIP Heath Ledger. Saturday was practise.. then Sunday was church :)
Yesterday, i went to work. They called me so i decided to go to work.. since i wasn't really gonna do anything.. and plus it's better to m

upcoming events:
friday, july 25th - church volleyball!
august 4th-16th - my auntie and cousins are coming from england! my family is off for 2 weeks.. gonna travel around!
im kinda excited!
Sunday, July 13
(@ church)
(@ church)

@ Yorkdale

Thursday, July 10, 2008
gotta stick to my girls like glue
okay, so i haven't been on this for so long because i've been really tired and lazy. loll and a bunch of things happend. today, i woke up at around 1:50ish or 2ish.. i dont even remember. but yes i was on the phone with thug g. and i ended up being home alone since my brother left me. they're both sleeping over at siruno's and im stuck here.. all alone. AGAIN. like yesterday aha! aagh.. so gay, im gonna work tomorrow!
friday - sunday, july4th-6th
caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamping! it was really fuun! althought i got really dark, camping was fun! the bus ride on the way there was pretty funny too! we played volleyball, basketball, hockey, aha any sport that we seen we did it, we went canoing, we went swimming on the river too, we went and chilled in the hot tub which only allowed 8 people but every just kept coming aahah so its all good :) and all other things. our friday night sleep over my cabin was really jokes. the girls and i couldn't stop laughing. i seriously could not stop laughing! gramantie and bloody bears will never be forgotten. AHAHAH.. anyway in my cabin was: gen, hannah g., hannah s., hannah d., abigail, sheryl, quennie( i think thats how you spell it), and michelle. it was really fun. we also went on wagon rides and tings :) i also got to know people better :) me and my brother got baptized on sunday, july 6th. yaay! yeah it was really fun..
monday, july 7th
loaft day again! i was on the phone the whole day with thug g. didn't do much really.. this was the day i realized i got blacker. SHOOT!
tuesday, july 8th
hmm.. all i did was go to work for like 4 hours and got home and stayed on the computer all night.. i know, very exciting! oh yeah, it was pretty jokes too!
wednesday, july 9th
my official rest day, but this day was pretty jokesss! MMHMM SILVER & GOLD! OH YES! ahahah too muts jeeeeyokes. we were supposed to go out and watch hancock with the youth buuuuut! it got cancelled! :( and they said how it might be on friday now.. and i can't go friday because immmmm worrrrkingg!
okay, so i haven't been on this for so long because i've been really tired and lazy. loll and a bunch of things happend. today, i woke up at around 1:50ish or 2ish.. i dont even remember. but yes i was on the phone with thug g. and i ended up being home alone since my brother left me. they're both sleeping over at siruno's and im stuck here.. all alone. AGAIN. like yesterday aha! aagh.. so gay, im gonna work tomorrow!
friday - sunday, july4th-6th
caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamping! it was really fuun! althought i got really dark, camping was fun! the bus ride on the way there was pretty funny too! we played volleyball, basketball, hockey, aha any sport that we seen we did it, we went canoing, we went swimming on the river too, we went and chilled in the hot tub which only allowed 8 people but every just kept coming aahah so its all good :) and all other things. our friday night sleep over my cabin was really jokes. the girls and i couldn't stop laughing. i seriously could not stop laughing! gramantie and bloody bears will never be forgotten. AHAHAH.. anyway in my cabin was: gen, hannah g., hannah s., hannah d., abigail, sheryl, quennie( i think thats how you spell it), and michelle. it was really fun. we also went on wagon rides and tings :) i also got to know people better :) me and my brother got baptized on sunday, july 6th. yaay! yeah it was really fun..
here are some pictures.... not all of it is in order but anyway enjoy!
monday, july 7th
loaft day again! i was on the phone the whole day with thug g. didn't do much really.. this was the day i realized i got blacker. SHOOT!
tuesday, july 8th
hmm.. all i did was go to work for like 4 hours and got home and stayed on the computer all night.. i know, very exciting! oh yeah, it was pretty jokes too!
wednesday, july 9th
my official rest day, but this day was pretty jokesss! MMHMM SILVER & GOLD! OH YES! ahahah too muts jeeeeyokes. we were supposed to go out and watch hancock with the youth buuuuut! it got cancelled! :( and they said how it might be on friday now.. and i can't go friday because immmmm worrrrkingg!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
and you know it's never too late
1:06 am
june 27th
okay, so i haven't wrote anything here for quite a while.. but hey, i've worked for like the whole week last week.. so it's all good. it was joy's last day on friday before she left for st. martin's. she's there for a while week... i bet she'll be dark when she gets back. AHA! anyway, she came and visit on friday before she left, along with kris :) ... and gen and v came afterwards and gen waited for me because she needed a ride to tita sheila's house. i ended up sleeping over! and we watched like tila tequila and we watched back to the future.. ahah me and gen didn't sleep till like 7 because we couldn't stop talking and laughing... ahaha!
july 1st
went swimming at huron park and we celebrated my goddaughter's 2nd birthday! we played volleyball at the park and afterwards we played sand man at this park right beside the park.. loll it was pretty jokes!
upcoming events:
july 4th to 6th = CAMP
june 27th
okay, so i haven't wrote anything here for quite a while.. but hey, i've worked for like the whole week last week.. so it's all good. it was joy's last day on friday before she left for st. martin's. she's there for a while week... i bet she'll be dark when she gets back. AHA! anyway, she came and visit on friday before she left, along with kris :) ... and gen and v came afterwards and gen waited for me because she needed a ride to tita sheila's house. i ended up sleeping over! and we watched like tila tequila and we watched back to the future.. ahah me and gen didn't sleep till like 7 because we couldn't stop talking and laughing... ahaha!
july 1st
went swimming at huron park and we celebrated my goddaughter's 2nd birthday! we played volleyball at the park and afterwards we played sand man at this park right beside the park.. loll it was pretty jokes!
upcoming events:
july 4th to 6th = CAMP
Saturday, June 21, 2008
i'm not the average girl on a video
friday - june20 *gen sleeps over
okay, this day was pretty fun! me gen joy kris and rina went to tremendous to eat and it was jokes. we were out of cash so me and kris decided to take money out from our bank accounts so we did :).. anyway.. the plan got all messed up because we were supposed to eat at pizza hut, but whatever.. anyway, we borrowed one missed call.. the movie.. and we got it for free :) because some man felt bad for us.. and afterwards we decided to go to mcdonalds because people wanted to piss.. loll but thank God some man found my yellow purse! or else i would have been so concerned and worried! anyway on our way to joy's house.. gen and i decided to visit trina while the rest decided to go get clothes from kris' house. because she was going to sleep over again.. anyway we got to joy's house and we chilled! we juiced and watched the movie.. im not gonna get too detailed but so much things happend! and gen sleeps over afterwards my house :)
saturday - june21
aha in the morning, we went to go play frisbee.. because venrick wanted to so bad so me and gen went.. ahah it was pretty fun.. i learned how to throw it properly.. lmfao because i honestly never knew how to throw one before.. but NOW I KNOW :D ahah and gens still in process ahah.. she got it though! its just practise! lmao anyway it started to rain afterwards so we ran home! and yeah gen left afterwards because she needed to get to toronto for practise! and we went to brampton and jojo came along :) it was pretty jokes.. and then afterwards we went to melker's house and we watched the superhero movie and i versed venrick in nba 2k8 in ps3.. he obviously beat me.. because he didn't wanna look gay.. coz he knows i ALWAYS BEAT HIM! YEES! :D
upcoming events:
june 22nd - sleeping over gens for like 2 days or more if anything ;)
june 23rd - @ gen /w prez!
june 24th - go karting /w prez.. hopefully!
june 25th - my mommy's birthday<3>
friday - june20 *gen sleeps over
okay, this day was pretty fun! me gen joy kris and rina went to tremendous to eat and it was jokes. we were out of cash so me and kris decided to take money out from our bank accounts so we did :).. anyway.. the plan got all messed up because we were supposed to eat at pizza hut, but whatever.. anyway, we borrowed one missed call.. the movie.. and we got it for free :) because some man felt bad for us.. and afterwards we decided to go to mcdonalds because people wanted to piss.. loll but thank God some man found my yellow purse! or else i would have been so concerned and worried! anyway on our way to joy's house.. gen and i decided to visit trina while the rest decided to go get clothes from kris' house. because she was going to sleep over again.. anyway we got to joy's house and we chilled! we juiced and watched the movie.. im not gonna get too detailed but so much things happend! and gen sleeps over afterwards my house :)
saturday - june21
aha in the morning, we went to go play frisbee.. because venrick wanted to so bad so me and gen went.. ahah it was pretty fun.. i learned how to throw it properly.. lmfao because i honestly never knew how to throw one before.. but NOW I KNOW :D ahah and gens still in process ahah.. she got it though! its just practise! lmao anyway it started to rain afterwards so we ran home! and yeah gen left afterwards because she needed to get to toronto for practise! and we went to brampton and jojo came along :) it was pretty jokes.. and then afterwards we went to melker's house and we watched the superhero movie and i versed venrick in nba 2k8 in ps3.. he obviously beat me.. because he didn't wanna look gay.. coz he knows i ALWAYS BEAT HIM! YEES! :D
upcoming events:
june 22nd - sleeping over gens for like 2 days or more if anything ;)
june 23rd - @ gen /w prez!
june 24th - go karting /w prez.. hopefully!
june 25th - my mommy's birthday<3>
Thursday, June 19, 2008
i'm the remix to this new mix
2:41 AM
yes, i know. it's pretty late. shoot! anyway im glad exams are done! aha i'm just waiting now when me gen & joy are gonna chill.. aha, pretty live! anyway, SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMER. finally, i've been anticipating for you to come back to me :)
monday - religion exam, then chilled at joy's after /w herald
tuesday - food prep exam, then afterwards went to square and ate taco bell's tuesday special then chilled at joy's after again
wednesday - science exam, loaft in square then kris & i went over meeeks' house
thursday - english exam, then herald and i went over joy's
FRIDAY - IM OUT SHAWTY, gone with the wind!
oh my gash, tuesday was wild. alex q. drove me joy and meeks home. i never thought that he can drive, whoah. but yeah, he's a good driver.. he can drift.. like pretty good.. and it scared all of us.. lmfao so jokes. too bad meeks' neighbour wanted to call the cops. wow, stupid! shoot oh my gosh.. then the next day he got booked :(, he got fined and he got his license suspended for 30 days! poor kid! his gonna get in more doodoo coz his parents don't know that he takes the car!
wednesday; guitar hero, webcam, + karaoke .. ahah

then thursday, chilled with joy and i kinda helped her study with her history :) whoah scandalous invited herself.. shoot.. whatevs aha it was pretty jokes.. came home @ around 9 30 ish probably
whoah, i was out all day this week .. ahah exam week.. wow, but hey, IM FREE!
damn, im cravin' to see the love guru, kung fu panda, & the hulk!
yes, i know. it's pretty late. shoot! anyway im glad exams are done! aha i'm just waiting now when me gen & joy are gonna chill.. aha, pretty live! anyway, SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMER. finally, i've been anticipating for you to come back to me :)
monday - religion exam, then chilled at joy's after /w herald
tuesday - food prep exam, then afterwards went to square and ate taco bell's tuesday special then chilled at joy's after again
wednesday - science exam, loaft in square then kris & i went over meeeks' house
thursday - english exam, then herald and i went over joy's
FRIDAY - IM OUT SHAWTY, gone with the wind!
oh my gash, tuesday was wild. alex q. drove me joy and meeks home. i never thought that he can drive, whoah. but yeah, he's a good driver.. he can drift.. like pretty good.. and it scared all of us.. lmfao so jokes. too bad meeks' neighbour wanted to call the cops. wow, stupid! shoot oh my gosh.. then the next day he got booked :(, he got fined and he got his license suspended for 30 days! poor kid! his gonna get in more doodoo coz his parents don't know that he takes the car!
wednesday; guitar hero, webcam, + karaoke .. ahah

then thursday, chilled with joy and i kinda helped her study with her history :) whoah scandalous invited herself.. shoot.. whatevs aha it was pretty jokes.. came home @ around 9 30 ish probably
whoah, i was out all day this week .. ahah exam week.. wow, but hey, IM FREE!
damn, im cravin' to see the love guru, kung fu panda, & the hulk!
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