10:23pm okay, so twilight was honestly a good movie. i don't know how people think it wasn't good but it was actually suuuper sick. even if i still didn't finish reading the book, i mean chapter one in other words, i still think the movie was soo good. i want to finish reading it... since it's more detailed ;). ya know? but yes, as soon as it was out i wanted to see the movie so me and gen decided to go see it today, since we weren't able to see it last week because i had work and she had to go down barrie and plus it was already sold out. yeah, i went with her and her siblings :). aha it's pg so it's all good. aha. we also sat on a good spot.. like, perfectly fit to your face.. like it was right there boxed and perfect... aha the screen obviously. anyway, i just realized how many directors and producers are starting to make movies from books and old movies. its all good.. it gives lazy reader's a taste on what their missing ;) REPRESENT! anyway, im gay.. the movie was really amazing. and i think edward cullen is pretty sexy. i mean the movie just makes you fall in love with him. and they're really cute.
i promise to read and finish the book... all of them. plus the books that gen gave me to read -.- i was almost done coldest winter gen! give it baaaaack! i started that one last year.. i think, yeah, last year. shutup! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ twilight. 112108
10:27pm okay, so today was a pretty good day. my brother woke me up pretty early, like around 6:30ish. i usually wake up at like 7 but lately i've been waking up early so it's all good :). had my regular classes nothing really exciting happened but today was our last day to finish up dissecting the little piglets... we named ours norman pigsley. aha cute? anyway, it was pretty gross but at the same time quite interesting. it had some funky smell that made me wanna throw up but its all good.. after school i chilled with k and that's about it :)
saturday, 15th band practise at like noon and we went to art gallery (AGO). unfortunately, the line was way too long and it was too late because we got there at around 4 and the gallery was gonna close at 5:30 so we decided to leave. we ended up at imperial buffet because we were all too hungry... i felt bad for my cousin because he had to pay everything! shoots! anyway, it was pretty jokes.
sunday, 16th went to church and left at around 3... went places and got home at like 6ish and then ended up being at cousin's house since there was dinner there. got home at around 10ish.
6:28pm wow, so it's been atleast a month and a half since i haven't been on this thing. and i can't update you guys on everything because a lot of things had happened but today was a pretty bummy day. got to school at around 7:50ish and i started loafting around to kill time. We got our report cards... i need to get more focused! that's it for school nothing really big... but for bio, we're gonna start disecting pigs on monday! aha how exciting! anyway, poor things... we're disecting baby pigs! anyway, we got a whole long weekend since it's our p.a. day tomorrow :)
i can't wait for christmas... but these are my goals before the year ends: - g1 - save up$$ (for presents ;)) - stop working for a while and focus on studies - clean/organize room
lessons learned: well, today in bio we were learning about drugs and humans and she told us that one beer is equivalent to one bowl wine glass, and one bowl wine glass is also equivalent to one shoot of liquor. they all have the same calories in them. she also said that binge drinking is bad. binge drinking is when you drink 4-6 times every other month. it may seem like it's okay but it can actually cause death. it is because our bodies... our under aged bodies aren't fully developed yet and we can not sustain the amount of alcohols we drink. that we is why they made the legal age of drinking here in canada 19, but in states it's 21. alcohols also carry sugar... sugar that doesn't make you high but actually makes you fatter. these are calories that are hard to burn, and if you don't burn them it will keep increasing and you will eventually get a beer belly. men get it in their belly's but women get it in their belly, thighs, and butttttox.
well yeah, i just learned that... i knew about the calories part but the rest i didn't :) bio could be both interesting and complicated!
OCTOBER UPDATES: 18th - my boyfriend's birthday :) 27th - chilled with k and gen ! 28th - went to sherway with gen! 29th - civies day! 30th - class retreat! 31st - halloween! dress-down day at school!